Jessica Fu
Photo: Rob Harris
Photo: Rob Harris
Zoom, 2019 -ongoing.
Digital Image ( Found Image )
Installation view of London Summer Intensive: Open Studio at Slade School of Fine Art. Courtesy Camden Arts Centre and Slade School of Fine Art. Photo: Rob Harris (as marked)
Zoom is an on-going image-making project with found digital images from the online database such as satellite images and digital archive. I have explored the theme related to digital culture and personal archive with this photographic installation project. The abstract imageries did not only represented the collective consciousness of the unknown spaces, but also the experiment of failure of the current imaging culture as well.
The failure of searching for the reality behind these images became the main concept of the work. I wonder if I could find anything unspoken, personal, romantic or even forgotten at each image? During the experiment of searching, I tried to zoom into the digital found imageries until I reached the limitation of the maximum resolution of the digital file. Unfortunately I could only found those blurred out pixels, shade of light and pure colours reminded from each images… which has became the result of the actual reality of these digital images composed of.
朦 朧, 2019 -持續更新
數碼影像 ( 現成影像 )
《朦 朧》是一份關於數位影像文化、網絡資料庫和集體意識的特定場域裝置。在網絡資料庫中被尋獲的現成影像以及模糊的現成影像經過各種實驗,成為了集體意識和個人無法言喻的情感載體。其中包括Google 地圖和線上數位資料庫。在創作過程中,我一邊不斷放大不同的數碼影像直到像數和表象被摧毀;同時我又不斷縮小某些影像直到人類的肉眼無法分辨影像的內容。影像與回憶的關係正在被線上數位數據庫(Online Database) 重新定義,其中包括怎樣去記憶一件事件、一次經歷,甚至一種情感。到底甚麼是真實 (Reality)?當一切看似真實卻又這麼模糊。
Found images from both digital and personal archive including the open source of NASA Image and Video Library and Google map.
This project is not for sale.
I acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts. Honoured to be the recipient of the Arts Abroad Residencies Grant from the Canada Council for the Arts.