Jessica Fu

39 Light-years Fluorescent Tube, 2021.
Site-specific Installation at Cattle Depot, Hong Kong, 37mins (Loop).
as part of the 39 Light-years series
This is a site-specific projection mapping installation at Cattle Depot in Hong Kong. It is the newest work of my on-going site-specific project, 39 Light years series currently.
About the site, Cattle Depot is a historical site built in 1908 and functioned as the slaughterhouse in the urban city. It acts as a vessel that contains the collective memory of the city. It also represented the ever-existed industrial scene in the old Hong Kong from 1920 to 1980. The individual memory of the workers, neighbourhood and anyone who has left their trace to the place have created the multi-contextual reality of this public space. I was inspired by the myth of the place, memory from local people and research about the city planning during my residency at 1a space in the summer of 2021.
The theme of collective consciousness in between physical and virtual world is crucial in my work. I am interested in unfolding the invisible layers of collective consciousness at the historical site based on the media work I create and the architectural structure of the physical site.
I intended to create an inner world with the new sense of space, challenges our logical understanding of light and shadow in the public space.
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.