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宇宙數據接收中 Data Collecting (Universe)


Public Art

Light Installation at Oi! Garden, Hong Kong

Data Collecting (Universe) is a research-based art project starting with found objects in the Oil Street Art Space (Oi!). A series of sci-fi symbols that resemble these objects have been created to respond to the historical context of the site. This public art continues the fluidity of the indoor exhibition experience. This large scale projection installation act as one of the fictional scene responding to the sci-fi allegory, the re-construction of symbols pose questions about the reality of the historical site, ensuring its collective memory through the power of art. The process of mediative personal observation of the site and research about the historical events has been an awakening journey for both the inner self and the collective imagination through the new discoveries of the site. This animated installation allowed the audience to experience the imaginative landscape in the ever-changing urban city both spiritually and physically.

公共光影作品回應著展場內的大型影像裝置《Landing 著陸》,是這次展覽 宇宙數據接收中 Data Collecting (Universe) 虛構敘述的其中一個場景。


展覽主題《宇宙數據接收中》及作品《樹木數據收集中》 同樣用Data Collecting 作為英文title ,其中的Collecting有多重意譯,既是在接收著不可見的想像宇宙頻率,同時是正在收集著場域內大樹物理上的數據...以及,它正在透過網絡作品收集著隨機(或有緣)觀眾在那個當下在展場中留下的痕跡/想法/回應等。透過這樣的延伸想像,「宇宙」「樹木」「觀眾(人類)」某程度上正在被 Collecting 著不同的Data,而這幾個角式是可以互換的。觀眾與虛構人物太空船的關係既是想像的,但透過參與式活動,讓兩者存活在物理與虛擬的空間中。展覽和作品透過集體想像,連繫著這些元素,同時讓數據收集有著不同層次的意義與敘述。







Documentation Videography by Chan Pui Shan and Mui Lok Him

Documentation Video Editing by Jessica Fu

Venue Support by Oi! Street Art Space

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